Writing en inglés de una historia inventada de 150 palabras mínimo y que al menos se utilizén estos conectores ( no hace falta usarlos todos , y se puede repetir) :then again , of course , so that , according to , in fact entre otros mas
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Once upon a time there was a family that lived in a very humble town, their house was on the banks of a river, one morning the father went fishing with one of his sons and a strange creature sank the boat, the father lost sight of his son and swam towards the shore, then ran to ask the mother for help, however, they could do nothing, they never found their son and the terrible creature continued to scare the inhabitants of that town, so that motivated them to organize a hunt. in the river, they arrived with sharp spears and shotguns, knives and large nets, in fact they spent several days looking for the strange creature without success, until one afternoon before nightfall that great creature passed right in front of them, they tried to stop it but it was very agile and strong, in front of his eyes he came out of the river and turned into a snake and left that town without a trace. End