Inglés, pregunta formulada por 28813, hace 6 meses

Write the verbs in simple past or present perfect simple:
A: (you / try / ever)______________haggis?
B: Oh, yes!
A: How often (you / eat)______________haggis yet?
B: Two times exactly.
A: When (you / eat / first)_______________haggis?
B: That (be)_______________in 2005. We (have)________________a Scottish festival in our town and they also (sell)______________traditional Scottish food. So I (buy) _______________haggis.
A: (you / like)____________________it?

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por estrellasdelfuturo79


Write the verbs in simple past or present perfect simple:

A: (you / try / ever)_Have you ever tried _____________haggis?

B: Oh, yes!

A: How often (you / eat)____have you eaten __________haggis yet?

B: Two times exactly.

A: When (you / eat / first)____did you first eat ___________haggis?

B: That (be)____was ___________in 2005. We (have)_____had ___________a Scottish festival in our town and they also (sell)_______sold_______traditional Scottish food. So I (buy) ______bought_________haggis.

A: (you / like)____Did you like ________________it?


El presente Perfecto usa los auxiliares Have o Has + Verbo en participio pasado para formar oraciones interrogativas, negativas y afirmativas

El pasado simple usa el auxiliar Did para las oraciones interrogativas, negativas y afirmativas Cortas.

ximenabernal2579: ayúdame
ximenabernal2579: estrellas del futuro
ximenabernal2579: estrellasdelfuturo79 en inglés
ximenabernal2579: en lo penúltimo que puse
Contestado por agostinac144

A: (you / try / ever) try haggis?

B: Oh, yes!

A: How often (you / eat) you  haggis yet?

B: Two times exactly.

A: When (you / eat / first) eat haggis?

B: That (be) be in 2005. We (have) have a Scottish festival in our town and they also (sell) sell traditional Scottish food. So I (buy) buy haggis.

A: (you / like) you it?

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