Inglés, pregunta formulada por diegosantincruzdsc, hace 7 meses

Urge que me ayuden con esta porfavor.
2 ftJ each other

Rewrite the sentences with each other.

1 My brother's shouting at my sister and she's shouting at him.

My brother and sister are shouting at each other .

2 Rob doesn't know Alex and Alex doesn't knov• Rob.

Rob and Alex _____ _ ___________ _

3 l'm not speaking to my sister and she isn't speaking to me.

My sister and I------------------

4 I don't understand you and you don't understand me.

We ___ __________________ _

S The coach respects the players and they respect him.

The coach and the players-------- ------

3 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress

a m,t411 ~D Listen and complete the sentences.

1 When . book ho lid av ;> are you going to your . - 2 I'm going to the yet.

3 I'm going to

4 are you ;>


s I'm some

6 I'm my

7 will you your exam ;>


8 I get them

9 I'll them on

b Listen again and repeat. Copy the rh>:,thm.

4 VOCABULARY family, adjectives of personality

a Complete the sentences with a family word.

1 Your mother and father are your parents .

2 Your grandfather's father is your gr -gr _ _ ___ _ _

3 A child who has no brothers or sisters is an on, ____ _

ch, ____ _

4 Your brother's daughter is your n. ___ _ _

S Your father's sister is your a. _ ___ _

6 Your partner, your children, your parents, and your brothers

and sisters are your im f ___ _ _

7 Your father's new wife is yours. ____ _

8 Your wife's or husband's father is your

f -i -1 - ---- 9 Your aunts and uncles and your cousins are your ex ____ _

f _ _ _ _ _

I 0 Your brother's or sister's son is your n. _ ___ _

b Match the comments \Vith the personality

adjectives in the box.

aggressive ambitious independent

jealous reliable self-confident selfish

sensible spoil~ stubborn

1 'When I \Vant son1ething, my parents

ah.vays give it to me.'


2 'I don't like n1y boyfriend talking to other


3 'I'm ahvays there \vhen my friends need

my help.'

4 'Those are my pens and you can't borro\V

thern .'





'I'm going to go to bed early so l can sleep

well before my exam tomorro,v.'

'I'll hit you if you do that again!'

'I feel quite comfortable 'vhen l'n1

speaking in public.'

'I'd like to be the manager of a big multi-

national company.'

9 'That's \Vhat I think and I'm not going to

change my mind.'

I 0 'I'd prefer to do this on my O\Vn, thanks.'

c \Vrite the opposite adjectives. Use a

negative prefix if necessary.

I generous rnean

2 kind

3 lazy

4 mature

5 organized

6 sensitive

7 talkative

8 tidy


Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por reynaldo09



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