Tu amigo Chris te ha invitado a la fiesta de cumpleaños de tu profesor. Respondele con un email en el que: Aceptes su invitacion, le sugieras que podrias ayudar en la fiesta y preguntale que tipo de regalo le deberias comprar. En ingles y sobre 90 o 100 palabras. Gracias
Respuestas a la pregunta
Respuesta: hello cris how are you I hope you are well and thanks for the invitation to the teacher's birthday I write because I do not know which would be the right gift to give the teacher the truth this has intrigued me I spent the day and night thinking what is the perfect gift for him since he is a great teacher and a very special person for me since he has taught me many important things that will help me in the future I write this to help you decide a perfect gift to answer me please
Hi, how are you? I think you should think since you have a lot of apprehension for him and everything you think he would like would be good to carry the gift I hope you can solve it and I am very eager to see you at the party I hope you find the gift indicated
bye I hope to see you
en el email se encuentran el amigo de Cris preocupado por que regalo deberia darle
Cris le responde amablemente y al final le da el regalo perfecto a su profesor