Biología, pregunta formulada por toastdankenp9kc74, hace 11 meses

the difference between mitosis and cytokinesis

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Contestado por bonitahdezemilp9pd3f
In biology, mitosis (from the Greek myths, strand) is a process of equitable distribution of the hereditary material (DNA) characteristic of eukaryotic cells. It usually ends with the formation of two separate nuclei (cariokinesis) followed by the partition of the cytoplasm (cytokinesis), to form two daughter cells. Complete mitosis, which produces genetically identical cells, is the foundation of growth, tissue repair and asexual reproduction. Meiosis, a process that shares mechanisms with mitosis but should not be confused with it, produces genetically distinct cells and, combined with fertilization, is the basis of sexual reproduction. Cytokinesis or cytodiesis is the physical separation of the cytoplasm into two daughter cells during cell division. It occurs after cariokinesis, and at the end of telophase, in mitotic cell division. Its mechanism is different in the animal cell (by strangulation) or vegetable (by septation). In animal cells the formation of a division furrow implies an expansion of the membrane in this zone and a progressive contraction caused by a contractile peripheral ring of actin associated with myosin. This ring will produce the separation of the two daughter cells by strangulation of the cytoplasm. Plant cells have a different process of division consisting of the accumulation of vesicles from the Golgi apparatus, which contain elements of the cell wall, in the middle zone of the cell. The vesicles fuse and come into contact with the side walls of the cell. In this way the septum or fragmoplast that will make cell division possible is originated.Chino (Tradicional)JaponésPortugués---------------AfrikáansAlbanésAlemánAmáricoÁrabeArmenioAzerbaiyanoBengalíBielorrusoBirmanoBosnioBúlgaroCanarésCatalánCebuanoChecoChino (Simplificado)Chino (Tradicional)CingalésCoreanoCorsoCriollo haitianoCroataDanésEslovacoEslovenoEspañolEsperantoEstonioEuskeraFinésFrancésFrisón occidentalGaélico escocésGalésGallegoGeorgianoGriegoGuyaratíHausaHawaianoHebreoHindiHmongHúngaroIgboIndonesioInglésIrlandésIslandésItalianoJaponésJavanésJemerKazajoKirguísKurdoLaoLatínLetónLituanoLuxemburguésMacedonioMalayalamMalayoMalgacheMaltésMaoríMaratíMongolNeerlandésNepalíNoruegoNyanjaPanyabíPastúnPersaPolacoPortuguésRumanoRusoSamoanoSerbioSesotho meridionalShonaSindhiSomalíSuajiliSuecoSundanésTagaloTailandésTamilTayikoTeluguTurcoUcranianoUrduUzbekoVietnamitaXhosaYidisYorubaZulúInglésAbrir en Google TraductorComentariosTraductor de Google servicio gratuito de Google traduce instantáneamente palabras, frases y páginas web del español a más de 100 idiomas y viceversa.Visitaste esta página 5 veces. Última visita: 5/05/18Traductor de Google – Google ...El servicio gratuito de Google traduce instantáneamente ...
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