relaciona la pregunta con la información correspondiente
Jacqueline, 8 years old, Is from Chicago . Everyone calls her Jackie. She visits different countries in her holidays. She travels around and enjoys great moments with her family. Last year, she went to Machu Picchu
1. Where Is she from ?
2. How old Is she ?
3. What Is her nickname ?
4. What Is her name ?
A) Machu Picchu
B) Jacqueline
C) Jackie
D) Chicago
E) 8 years old
Respuestas a la pregunta
Contestado por
- Relaciona la pregunta con la información correspondiente.
- (Texto)
- Where is she from?
- How old is she?
- What is her nickname?
- What is her name?
- D
- E
- C
- B
Contestado por
1. D
2. E
3. C
4. B
5. What country she went the last holiday? A
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