Today is the final game of the soccer and everybody will be there. Joao is getting ready. He is going to wear a new uniform his mom bought yesterday. He is expecting his best friend Andrea helps him with some tactics of the game, where she is an expert. He is also expecting Uncle Marco to pick him up at 5:00 ó clock.
Now, it' s getting late. It' s already 4:15 and Andrea hasn't arrived yet to help him. Besides, his new sport uniform doesn't fit as well as he expected.
On the other hand, Uncle Marco has just called to say he would be 10 minutes late because his car hand a flat tire and his coach has just asked him to give a short speech to welcome the other team at the game.
Read again and complete.
1. Joao is _________ his new uniform because it ___________.
2. He Is __________ Andrea because she never came yo help ______________________.
3. He is ___________ Uncle Marco because he is late yo _________.
4. He is also __________ his coach because he has just asked him to prepare __________.
Respuestas a la pregunta
Hoy es el último partido de fútbol y todos estarán allí. Joao se está preparando. Va a usar un uniforme nuevo que su mamá compró ayer. Está esperando que su mejor amiga Andrea lo ayude con algunas tácticas del juego, donde ella es una experta. También está esperando que el tío Marco lo recoja a las 5:00 en punto.
Ahora, se está haciendo tarde. Ya son las 4:15 y Andrea aún no ha llegado para ayudarlo. Además, su nuevo uniforme deportivo no le queda tan bien como esperaba.
Por otro lado, el tío Marco acaba de llamar para decir que llegaría 10 minutos tarde porque su coche se pinchó y su entrenador acaba de pedirle que pronuncie un breve discurso para dar la bienvenida al otro equipo al partido.
Vuelve a leer y completa.
1. Joao está _________ su nuevo uniforme porque ___________.
2. Él es __________ Andrea porque ella nunca vino a ayudar a ______________________.
3. Él es ___________ tío Marco porque llega tarde yo _________.
4. También es __________ su entrenador porque acaba de pedirle que prepare __________.