Inglés, pregunta formulada por Noah828289292, hace 6 meses

Past simple y past progressive


Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por valequeen01


xd ablo español pero se ingles - xd I speak Spanish but I know English


Simple past and past progressive is an important topic and this can be difficult for some. Simple past is for actions that finished in past mean while past progressive is for actions that were happening and was interrupted by another one in past.

Keywords: Yesterday, the day before yesterday, last (last week, last month, last year, ago (two days ago, three weeks ago, when

Contestado por JEFNEY

Respuesta: bueno yo se algo de ingles pero no tanto pero ue alla servido  Simple past and past progressive is an important topic and this can be difficult for some. Simple past is for actions that finished in past mean while past progressive is for actions that were happening and was interrupted by another one in past.

Keywords: Yesterday, the day before yesterday, last (last week, last month, last year, ago (two days ago, three weeks ago, when .

si te sirvio plis dame coronita :D

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