Inglés, pregunta formulada por aleja08j, hace 11 meses


1) where is localize madiba ?

2) where is localize qunu?

3) what is meanwhile?

4) what is imprisonmet?

5) where is localize absentia ?

6) what is countrywide ?

7) what are them selves ?

8) what is wavered?

9)what is throughout?

10) what is children fund?

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por masonmelinadenise


1)Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (IPA: [roli'ɬaɬa]) (Mvezo, South African Union; July 18, 1918-Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa; December 5, 2013) was a South African lawyer, anti-apartheid activist, politician and philanthropist who presided over his country from 1994 to 1999.

2)Qunu is a small town in South Africa, in the Eastern Cape Province, about 32 km southwest of Mthatha (formerly Umtata), on the road between that city and Butterworth.

Mvezo's place on the Mbashe River is close to the place where Nelson Mandela was born, being Qunu where he grew up and where he later retired after leaving his position as President of South Africa in 1999. This town is where Nelson Mandela's father settled after be deposed as head of Mvezo. In his autobiography Long Walk to Freedom, Mandela cites Qunu as the place where the happiest moments of his childhood occurred. In Qunu there is also a museum dedicated to Nelson Mandela1 and it is also where he is buried, along with three of his children and other relatives.

3)At the same time as: "He works while his children are at school", "He reads while he listens to music", "I clean the house, while you wash the dishes" 2 Meanwhile, waiting for something to happen: "Sit down while they arrive the rest »,« Study mechanics while leaving prison »3 Meanwhile At the same time as:« Cristina draws the picture, meanwhile, Isabel writes the signs »4 While While, in contrast, on the contrary:« He was kind to you, while you did not stop hurting him ”5 The more ... less or more, the less ... more or less The more, the less:" The more he wins, the less satisfied he feels "," The less find out, the less it will hurt.

4)place where the convicted or the alleged guilty of a crime is kept.

Penalty of deprivation of liberty that is less than confinement and greater than that of arrest.

5)Absentia is a dramatic suspense television series filmed in Bulgaria for AXN by Sony Pictures Television Networks and directed by Oded Ruskin.(sorry es lo que encontré)

6)A country 1 is a territory with its own geographical and cultural characteristics, which may or may not constitute a sovereign State or a political entity within a State.1 It is also used as a synonym for the State, 1 set of political institutions endowed with territory, population and sovereignty.

Sometimes parts of a state with a characteristic history or culture are called countries, especially for the origins of the place, such as Scotland, Wales, England or Northern Ireland, countries that make up the United Kingdom. [Citation required] It can also refer to regions or even regions without great cultural differences with those of the surroundings. This use is especially given when speaking of the natural regions of France — the Pays d'Auge, Pays de Buch, Pays de Caux, Pays de Sault, Pays de la Loire, the French Basque Country, etc.— [citation needed] since « country »pays from French, 1 language in which the term also has this polysemy. In turn, the French term comes from the Latin pagus.

10)UNICEF is the United Nations Children's Fund, whose main purpose is to promote the protection of children's rights. ... UNICEF was created in 1946 by the United Nations with the aim of facing the serious consequences that the Second World War left on the children of Europe.

no encontre mas nada.

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