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Contestado por vanesa5566
 COGNATESTEXT WITH COGNATESBluetoothRADIATION Issues:Bluetooth is a wirelessTECHNOLOGY that inACTUALLY FACILITATESCOMMUNICATION betweenDIFFERENT devices such as cell phones,COMPUTERSandENTERTAINMENT SYSTEMS. Using low-powerRADIO waves, it is aCONVENIENT ALTERNATIVE to InfraredCOMMUNICATION such as that used inremoteCONTROLS.Bluetooth users enjoyINSTANT, wirelessCOMMUNICATION.IMAGINE having your cell phoneTRANSFER callsDIRECTLY to your home phoneLINE because BluetoothADVERTthat you were in your home. ThisTECHNOLOGY also allows forINSTANT filetransfers andMESSAGES between Bluetooth users. ne of the mostSIGNIFICANTadvantages it has over InfraredTECHNOLOGY is that the Bluetooth does not need aLINE of sight toTRANSMIT INFORMATION.!ow Bluetooth "or#s: IsRADIATION aPROBLEM$Bluetooth sends out wea#RADIO signals toCONNECT up to eight devices to eachother within a range of about %& feet. This is the sameTECHNOLOGY used by babyMONITORS andPORTABLE phones. Bluetooth uses aTECHNIQUE called 'spread-SPECTRUM fre(uency hopping' to ensure that each device is on aDIFFERENTFREQUENCY and therefore they do notINVOLVEwith one another. This gives userstheCONVENIENCE of being able toCONTROL a number ofELECTRONIC devices inthe home or wor#place from a single Bluetooth-enabled device, such as a cell phone.Because itEMITS RADIO waves, some worry that BluetoothRADIATION could causehealthPROBLEMS. )eopleSENSITIVE to the waves sent out by microwaves, cellphones andRADIO towers often complain ofNAUSEA, headaches and other bothersomeSYMPTONS ASSOCIATED with their e*posure. !owever, the Bluetoothsignal at %MILLIWATT is e*tremely low,COMPARED to some cell phones, which mayEMIT up to +WATTS. The signal is alsoTRANSMMITED throughout a space and not ina single, powerful beam. BluetoothRADIATION isCONSIDERED far less bothersomethan cell phoneRADIATION.Está leyendo una previsualización gratis. Desbloquee el acceso completo con una prueba gratis. 
Pages to are not shown in this preview.Descargar con una prueba gratis COGNATES FALSE• TU/ 0123T•I4112COGNATES TRUE•30ITI4•T2!45/•6IITT27•88U4ITI4•0I662324T•8)UT237•24T23TI4824T•7/7T287.•30I•4124I24T• T234TI12•88U4ITI4•4T37.•I47T4T•88U4ITI4.•I85I42•T347623•0I32T/•I42•T2!45/•I47T4T•8277527•7I54I6I4T•T2!45/•I42•T3478IT•I4638TI4•30ITI4•)3B28•30I•442T•T2!45/•84IT37•)3TB2•T2!4I9U2•7)2T3U8•0I662324T•6329U24/•4124I242•4T3•22T34I•28IT7•30I•30ITI4•)3B287•7247ITI12•30I•4U72•7/8)T47• 77IT20•8II"TT•8)320•28IT•"TT7•T34788IT20•30ITI4•47I02320•30ITI4Está leyendo una previsualizaciónDesbloquear el acceso completo con una prueba gratis.Descargar Con Una Prueba GratisEstá leyendo una previsualizaciónDesbloquear el acceso completo con una prueba gratis.Descargar Con Una Prueba GratisDocuments Similar To Texto de Cognados en Inglescarousel nextBluetooth 2USB Release NotesConnect to Internet via Mobile's BluetoothHM1200_UM_Open_CHI_Rev.1.0_110804_screenJabra EASYGO_RevB_web_manual_EN.pdfMi Bluetooth SpeakerENBluetooth PBAP Implementation Guige3modern Communication Techniques-bluetoothRed Hat Mobile Computing White PaperXperia P Part121Bluetooth Trialsma428_instrukcja_manta.pdf6 Bluetooth HAirFiber 121227 RCRWireless QA Gary SchulzFalse Cognate and True Cognate ExercisesCellular Phone Wallpaper14 Bluetooth Wifi SecurityNokia 2700 User Guidedsh.772-148.1.pdfBTHS-004_manual---e992104f-e624-41a8-8edb-cfa288ab1d77Shb7150fb 00 Dfu EngKimberley Chronicle Issue #14DGP - Grand SurveyPC Suite EngSAES-T-492Jabra Evolve 65 Manual RevC_EN.pdfBlue EyeUntitledEmbedded Bluetooth StackNokia 2700 User ManualMenú del pie de páginaACERCA DEAcerca de ScribdPrensaNuestro blog¡Únase a nuestro equipo!ContáctenosRegístrese hoyInvitar amigosObsequiosLEGALTérminosPrivacidadCopyrightASISTENCIAAyuda / Preguntas frecuentesAccesibilidadAyuda de compraAdChoicesEditoresRedes socialesCopyright © 2018 Scribd Inc..Buscar libros.Directorio del sitio.Idioma del sitio: español
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