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Santiago de Cali, capital del departamento del Valle del Cauca, segunda ciudad de la República de Colombia, ha sido testigo de 477 años de historia. Cálida y alegre ciudad, ofrece al visitante -además de la ya proverbial amistad de sus gentes- no pocos lugares de interés, monumentos históricos y arquitectónicos, plazas, parques y museos, iglesias, calles que nos hacen retroceder con nostalgia en el tiempo....
Y cuando llega la noche, con su fresca brisa, Cali abre las puertas a la alegría contagiosa de sus centros nocturnos, donde la salsa se baila con la mayor de las destrezas. Pero hay más...... porque por Cali, pasan de manera permanente los mejores intérpretes de la música popular, el teatro y en fin todas las expresiones de la cultura y las bellas artes y en sus fines de semana en los centros recreativos la bella figura de las caleñas adorna la amplitud de su paisaje.
Santiago de Cali es el epicentro de Colombia sobre el Pacifico. Su gente cálida, alegre y amable, quienes reciben con gran afecto y sencillez a sus visitantes, se convierte en el mayor atractivo de esta ciudad cosmopolita, de imagen nacional e internacional. Los días soleados se complementan con la agradable brisa que de la cordillera por los Farallones refresca las tardes caleñas. No obstante, los alrededores naturales que tiene la ciudad, permiten en pocos minutos disfrutar de ambientes campestres con clima templado.
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Santiago de Cali, capital of the department of Valle del Cauca, the second city of the Republic of Colombia, has witnessed 477 years of history. Warm and cheerful city, offers the visitor - in addition to the already proverbial friendship of its people - not a few places of interest, historical and architectural monuments, squares, parks and museums, churches, streets that make us go back with nostalgia in time .. ..
And when the night comes, with its cool breeze, Cali opens the doors to the contagious joy of its nightclubs, where salsa is danced with the greatest of skills. But there is more ...... because in Cali, the best performers of popular music, theater and, in short, all expressions of culture and fine arts and their weekends in recreational centers pass permanently. The beautiful figure of the caleñas adorns the breadth of its landscape.
Santiago de Cali is the epicenter of Colombia on the Pacific. Its warm, cheerful and friendly people, who receive their visitors with great affection and simplicity, become the main attraction of this cosmopolitan city, of national and international image. The sunny days are complemented by the pleasant breeze that from the Cordillera by the Farallones refreshes the caleñas evenings. However, the natural surroundings of the city allow you to enjoy rural environments with a temperate climate in a few minutes.
And when the night arrives, With its fresh breeze, Cali opens the doors from contagious happiness of its nocturnal centers, where Salsa is dances with the biggest skill. But there’s more... because in Cali, the best musical, theatrical, and all fine arts interpreters pass by permanently and on weekends recreational centers the pretty figure of Cali’s residents decorate the amplitude of its scenery.
Santiago de Cali it’s the epicenter of Colombia on the Pacific. Its warm, cheerful, and kind people, who welcome with big affect and naivety Cali’s visitors, become the best appealing of this cosmopolitan city with and international and national image. Sunny days are complemented with the joyful breeze that the mountain range by the Farallones refreshes late days at Cali. However, the natural surroundings that the city has allow in a short time to enjoy the rural atmosphere with mild weather.