Inglés, pregunta formulada por diegog4ym3r, hace 10 meses

me ayudan a saber como van ordenadas estas oraciones en ingles?

weekend / be / all / you / will / working / ?

wearing / tomorrow / won't / they / be / costumes

be / tomorrow / time / Paris / this / will / flying / we / to

all / be / I / going / am / to / studying / summer

you / won't / why / hotel / staying / be / a / at

will / working / at / be / café / June / I / the / next

will / home / he / arrive / sleeping / be / when / you

working / come / meeting / I / can't / because / the / be / I / will / to

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por estrellasdelfuturo79


Will you be working all weekend?

They Won't be wearing costumes tomorrow

We will be flying to Paris at this time tomorrow

I am going to be studying all summer

Why won't you be staying at a hotel?

I will be working at the cafe next June

He will be sleeping when you arrive

I can't come to the meeting because because I will be working


El tiempo futuro progresivo :


Pronombre + Will + Be + verbo con Ing + complemento


Pronombre + Won't + be + verbo con Ing + complemento

Yes no questions

Will + pronombre + Be + verbo con ing + complemento ?

Wh question

Wh + will + pronombre + Be + verbo con ing + complemento ?

Otras preguntas