Investigue la vida de la Leucosolenia.
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Suele crecer en aguas poco profundas, donde suele existir una mezcla de sedimentos. Vive sobre pequeños parches de conchas, ascidias y en rocas horizontales. Puede presentarse incluso medio enterrada en fondos fangosos, lo que hace que presenten largos tubos osculares.
Leucosolenia is a genus of calcareous sponges belonging to the family Leucosoleniidae. Species of this genus usually appear as groups of curved vases, up to 2 cm long, each ending in an osculum. The overall shape is sometimes likened to a tiny bunch of bananas. They are most often observed in tide pools, clustered around the base of seaweeds or on rocks, and occur in a variety of colours, usually rather pale. Its canal system is of asconoid type. The colony consists of few simple vase-like, cylindrical individuals each terminating in an osculum and united at their bases by irregular horizontal tubes. Leucosolenia reproduces both asexually and sexually. asexual reproduction by budding and sexual reproduction takes place by formation of gametes, i.e., ova and sperms. Lecosolenia is hermaphrodite, because both the gametes are formed in the body of same individual.
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