Inglés, pregunta formulada por krodriguezy28, hace 4 meses

how much or how many
1_________money do we really need?
2________do you help ypur parents?
3________do you love god?
4________did you eat breakfast this morning?
5________brothers do you have?
6________tears and fears are there inn the world?
7________books do you have?
8________do you know yourself?
9________are the tickets?
10_______crimes are there in your country?

krodriguezy28: ;(

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por MONSESABROSA
How many
How much
How much
How much
How many
How much
How many
How much
How much
How many

animalsvirtuals: muchas gracias me salvaste
Contestado por umpalumpaBD



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