Matemáticas, pregunta formulada por Usuario anónimo, hace 1 mes

¡Hola! Me pueden ayudar con la tarea de inglés?


Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por lizaingridlopez18


Tarea 1:

A- There are some pens on the table.

B- There are two glasses on the shelf.

C- There are a lot of people on the bus.

D- There is a problem with my car.

E- There is one bottle of milk in the fridge.

F- There are eleven players in a football team.

G- There is an error in this english exercise.

H- There are three televisions in my house.

I- There are ten questions in this test.

J- There is a dog in my house.

Tarea 2:

A- Are there some pens on the table?.

B- Are there two glasses on the shelf?.

C- Are there a lot of people on the bus?.

D- Is there a problem with my car?.

E- Is there one bottle of milk in the fridge?.

F- Are there eleven players in a football team?.

G- Is there an error in this english exercise?.

H- Are there three televisions in my house?.

I- Are there ten questions in this test?.

J- Is there a dog in my house?.

Otras preguntas