Inglés, pregunta formulada por DieguitoAD, hace 11 meses

Hola buena tarde.
¿Alguien me puede dar un experimento químico con título en inglés y español? (Si pueden ponerle dibujos se los agradecería muchísimo)

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por barbarahdzarizpe

Respuesta: Experiment gas balloon

( lo siento no puede las imágenes :( )



1 balloon

1 plastic bottle (600 ml. Approx.)

½ cup white vinegar

1 funnel

1 spoon

1 elastic band

Sodium bicarbonate

How to do:

Pour the white vinegar into the plastic bottle. Using the funnel, add two tablespoons of baking soda (can easily be obtained at any pharmacy) inside the balloon. Place the balloon on the tip of the bottle, being very careful that the sodium bicarbonate does not fall into it (see the video to better understand) and secure the opening with the rubber band. Once ready, now you must dump sodium bicarbonate contained within the globe. Watch what happens.

What's going on?

As you can see the balloon seems ... see more ...

What is happening here also has to do with a chemical reaction: egg shell disappear by the reaction of acetic acid vinegar with calcium carbonate present in the egg shell, the CO2 bubbles. Explains expansion osmosis: the water contained in the vinegar enters the egg through the semipermeable membrane

Rainbow Experiment


1 glass with water (about ¾ parts)

White paper

1 sunny day

How to do:

On a sunny day, look for a location in the house or yard where sunlight can take full advantage. Hold the glass with water on the white paper and watch as the light rays pass through it. The refraction of the rays of sunlight should be visible and form a rainbow, if this does not happen: move the vessel in different angles and directions until it is achieved. How does this happen?

What's going on?

Surely this is not the first time that you see a rainbow since in the days it rains but it is also sunny, in the sky they can be easily appreciated, however, they do not always occur in the sky and in fact, as you will see, until you You can make one. What happens in the sky, as in this experiment, is that the rays of sunlight are refracted when passing through the water. In the sky when passing through the raindrops, in the experiment when passing through the water of the glass. When this occurs, the rays separate in red, orange,

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