Hola alguien puede ayudarme con mi tarea de ingles.? Por favor necesito entregarlo mañana y no le entiendo..
Respuestas a la pregunta
Consigna 5
1_ under
2_ near
3_ between
4_ on
5_ in
6_ in front of
7_ behind
8_ opposite
no sé si todas estan bien pero espero ayudarte un poco
Consigna 6:
1_ there are some posters opposite the door
2_ there is a mirror in the bathroom
3_ there is a chair near the desk
4_ there are some CDs on the bed
5_ there are some pens in my pencil case
6_ there is a DVD player under the TV
Respuesta: 1 The box under the chair por que on es arriba y vemos en la imagen que está abajo
2 the CDs are near the wall porque between es entre y wall pared y no está entre la pared
3 the lamp is between the bed and the desk porque está entre la mesa y la mesa
4 the poster is on the wall porque near es cerca y on es encima
5 the soccer ball is in y the box por que esta dentro de la caja
6 the chair is in front of the desk porque está alante la mesa
7 the bag behind the doothe wardrobe is in front porque está atrás de la puerta
8 the wardrobe is in front of door porque está al frente
There is poster opposite the door
2 there is mirror are in the bathroom
3 there is chair is near the desk
4 This is CDs is on the bed
5 there is red pens is in my pencil case
6 this is DVD player is under the TV
Espero que te sirva lo siento si alguna está mal no soy muy buena en inglés