Inglés, pregunta formulada por languie18, hace 1 año

hacer mi biografía en ingles utilizando los verbos en tiempo pasado, presente y futuro

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por piyiito
My name is ..... and I am... years old. I'm going to tell you about my life here.

First of all, I was born in ....(lugar) in .....(fecha). When I was 4 years old, I start to study in ....(nombfe del colegio) in ...(nombde dd la ciudad). I was studying there until I went to the high school. Talking about family, my parents.. (pon algo de tus padres, que por motivos de trabajo tu padre tuvo q marcharse o algo asi, inventalo)

Now, I'm studying in...(nombre de la ciudad) , I go everyday by car, because I've just passed my driving test. I think I am in the best part of my life!

Finally, in the future, I would like to be ...(lo que quieras ser de mayor) and I will work in ..(el sitio donde te gustaria trabajar) I'm going to be the best in my job! I will also get marry and I would like to have two babies.

This is all about my life, what about you?
Contestado por angeltoms3

A continuación se le presentará una Biografía en inglés traducida al español, de una persona común. A demás una breve explicación para la construcción de la tuya.

Biografía en inglés

My name is Angel X, I'm X years old and I'm from Venezuela. I'm senior student on my High School. I want to study Psychology on Central University of Venezuela.

Personal life:

I was born on 8/29/2003 in Carabobo's Hospital. Since then I live with my parents. My mom's name is Carmen, she is 36 years old; My dad's name is Julio, he is 40 years old. They married on 2001, when my mom finished college.

My lilttle brother was born on March 2014, when I was starting High School.


I would like to be a comic creator, and talk about the adventures that got you a simple life: talk about depretion, anxiety and relationships.

When I was fourteen years old, I started drawing a Post-Apocalypse story. It was about the World War III in a near future; the principal character was a 11 years old kid who lost his family because the war. He was on School when a nuclear bomb fell on the country. And the adventures come with a survivor 6 years old kid. Both of them started fighting against the Zickz, people who suffered brain damage.

Now I'm drawing a story about a 16 years old depressed girl.

¿Cómo hacer tu propia biografía en inglés?

  • Introducción: Colocarás datos relevantes de tu vida, como: nombre, edad, resúmen de tu vida y logros.
  • Vida Personal: Todo lo relevante de tu vida privada, quequieras compartir.
  • Aficiones: Todas las actividades extracurrículares que te llenan en la vida, puede ser el arte o alguna cualquier otra actividad académica o deportiva.
  • Relaciones: Tanto las de amistades como las amorosas, y resaltar los eventos importantes sucedidos en esta etapa.
  • Familia: Colocar toda información relevante de la familia, de manera resumida para no invadir su privacidad.

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