Escribe una publicación describiendo un super alimento del Perú !!!!!!!! Ayuda!¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡. Por favor. Y si es posible que este en ingles
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Peruvian jewels are the native species that, thanks to their great nutritional properties, are called superfoods. Quinoa is one of them, under the watchful eye of the God Wiracocha, young horticulturists head to the shore of Lake Titicaca, where the robust quinoa panicles grow, waiting to be threshed. This grain has become, according to the United Nations (UN), the key to humanity's food security.
Las joyas peruanas son las especies oriundas que, gracias a sus grandes propiedades nutricionales, son llamadas superalimentos. La quinoa es uno de ellos, bajo la mirada atenta del dios Wiracocha, jóvenes horticultores se enrumban a la orilla del lago Titicaca, donde crecen las robustas panojas de quinua, que esperan ser trilladas. Este grano se ha convertido, según la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU), en la clave de la seguridad alimentaria de la humanidad.
Respuesta:Peruvian jewels are the native species that, thanks to their great nutritional properties, are called superfoods. Quinoa is one of them, under the watchful eye of the God Wiracocha, young horticulturists head to the shore of Lake Titicaca, where the robust quinoa panicles grow, waiting to be threshed. This grain has become, according to the United Nations (UN), the key to humanity's food security.