Inglés, pregunta formulada por ra6827539, hace 7 días

Complete the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the first. Use the present perfect.

The last time Mo came here was in January.
Mo hasn't been here since January.

1. It's a long time since we went rock climbing.
We haven't ___________________

2. I'm not hungry. I had something to eat earlier.
I'm not hungry. I've ________________

3. After she got her exam results, Tania began to feel more confident.
Tania has felt ____________________

4. Wakeboarding is the one thing left for us to do.
We haven't ______________________

5. I can't believe it. Matt is still in bed!
I can't believe it. Matt ______________

6. Millie! It's Friday and your project isn't ready.
Millie! It's Friday and you ____________

7 We want the teacher to give us our exam results.
Our teacher ______________________

8 He isn't coming to the cinema with us. He saw that film last week.
He isn't coming to the cinema with us because ________________________​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por InvisibleVioleta

Hola, Ra6827539:


Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use the present perfect.


• The last time Mo came here was in January.

• Mo hasn't been here since January.

➺ Traducción: Mo no ha estado aquí desde enero.

• Mo hasn't come here since January.

➺ Traducción: Mo no ha venido aquí desde enero.

1. It's a long time since we went rock climbing.

1. We haven't ...

1. We haven't gone rock climbing for a long time.

➺ Traducción: Hace mucho tiempo que no vamos a escalar.

2. I'm not hungry. I had something to eat earlier.

2. I'm not hungry. I've ...

2. I'm not hungry. I've eaten (something) earlier.

➺ Traducción: No tengo hambre. He comido (algo) antes.

2. I'm not hungry. I've already eaten (something).

➺ Traducción: No tengo hambre. Ya he comido (algo).

3. After she got her exam results, Tania began to feel more confident.

3. Tania has felt ...

3. Tania has felt more confident since she got her exam results.

➺ Traducción: Tania se ha sentido más segura de sí misma desde que obtuvo los resultados de sus exámenes.

4. Wakeboarding is the one thing left for us to do.

4. We haven't ...

4. We haven't gone wakeboarding (yet).

4. We haven't wakeboarded (yet).

➺ Traducción: No hemos hecho/practicado 'wakeboarding' (todavía).

5. I can't believe it. Matt is still in bed!

5. I can't believe it. Matt ...

5. I can't believe it. Matt hasn't got/gotten up yet!

5. I can't believe it. Matt still hasn't got/gotten up!

➺ Traducción: No puedo creerlo. ¡Matt todavía no se ha levantado!


El verbo 'get' tiene dos participios pasados: 'got' (que se usa en inglés británico y americano) y 'gotten' (que se usa principalmente en inglés americano). Escoge la forma que se use en tu curso.

6. Millie! It's Friday and your project isn't ready.

6. Millie! It's Friday and you ...

6. Millie! It's Friday and you haven't finished your project.

➺ Traducción: ¡Millie! Es viernes y no has terminado tu proyecto.

7. We want the teacher to give us our exam results.

7. Our teacher ...

7. Our teacher hasn't given us our exam results (yet).

7. Our teacher (still) hasn't given us our exam results.

➺ Traducción: Nuestro(a) maestro(a) no nos ha dado los resultados de los exámenes (todavía).

8. He isn't coming to the cinema with us. He saw that film last week.

8. He isn't coming to the cinema with us because ...

8. He isn't coming to the cinema with us because he's (already) watched/seen that film.

➺ Traducción: Él no viene al cine con nosotros porque (ya) ha mirado/visto esa película.


En algunos casos (incluido el ejemplo) es posible escribir más de una oración con un significado similar al de la oración dada. He escrito las alternativas más naturales. Las palabras entre paréntesis se pueden omitir casi sin cambio en el significado.



Para escribir un verbo en 'present perfect' se usan los auxiliares 'have' o 'has' y el participio pasado del verbo principal.  

El auxiliar 'have'/'has' se escoge según el sujeto de la oración:  

• Sujeto:                      Auxiliar:

I, we, you, they -------- have

he, she, it ---------------- has

También se pueden usar contracciones afirmativas:  

• Sujeto:     Contracción:

I -------------- I've

he ----------- he's

she ---------- she's

it -------------- it's

we ----------- we've

you ---------- you've

they --------- they've

Y contracciones negativas:

• Sujeto:                     Contracción:

I, we, you, they -------- haven't

he, she, it ---------------- hasn't

Estas son todas las estructuras:

Present perfect – Affirmative:

[̲̅+̲̅]  Sujeto + auxiliar HAVE/HAS + participio pasado del verbo principal + complementos

Present perfect – Negative:

[̲̅–̲̅]  Sujeto + auxiliar HAVE/HAS + NOT + participio pasado del verbo principal + complementos

[̲̅–̲̅]  Sujeto + contracción HAVEN'T/HASN'T + participio pasado del verbo principal + complementos

Present perfect – Interrogative:

Yes/No questions:

[̲̅?̲̅]  Auxiliar HAVE/HAS + sujeto + participio pasado del verbo principal + complementos + ?


[̲̅?̲̅]  Wh-word + auxiliar HAVE/HAS + sujeto + participio pasado del verbo principal + complementos + ?

Saludos. ✨


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