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Respuestas a la pregunta
Are the statements True or False or Doesn’t say?
1. False
2. True
3. Doesn’t say
4. False
5. False
6. True
7. Doesn’t say
8. True
9. False
10. True
Match the pictures to the words
1 = library
2 = museum
3 = restaurant
4 = supermarket
5 = hospital
6 = police station
7 = theatre
8 = church
9 = factory
10 = train station
11 = school
12 = market
13 = swimming pool
14 = cinema
15 = post office
Find the pairs
cinema = you go to see a film there
hospital = doctors and nurses look after sick people there
supermarket = you can buy food and other things in that big shop
restaurant = you can eat there
school = children go to learn there
post office = you go to send letters there
church = people go to pray there
police station = police officer work there
library = you go to borrow or read books there
market = people go to buy and sell things there
Podemos encontrar Hilltown en el sur de Inglaterra.
2 ¿Cuántas personas viven en la ciudad?
Cerca de 9.000 personas viven en la ciudad.
3 ¿Qué edificios y lugares puedes encontrar allí?
Allí puede encontrar muchos lugares: 3 supermercados, 2 bancos, una oficina de correos, una estación de policía y una biblioteca. También hay 3 iglesias, algunos restaurantes y 5 cafés. Hay 3 escuelas primarias y 2 secundarias. Hay un centro deportivo y un cine.
La escuela de Sandra está en un edificio muy bonito. Su escuela está en Mill Street al lado de un polideportivo.
5 ¿Por qué le gusta su ciudad?
A Sandra le gusta su ciudad porque es un lugar tranquilo y ordenado. Y porque la gente es amigable.
Are the statements True or False or Doesn’t say?
1. False
2. True
3. Doesn’t say
4. False
5. False
6. True
7. Doesn’t say
8. True
9. False
10. True
Match the pictures to the words
1 = library
2 = museum
3 = restaurant
4 = supermarket
5 = hospital
6 = police station
7 = theatre
8 = church
9 = factory
10 = train station
11 = school
12 = market
13 = swimming pool
14 = cinema
15 = post office
Find the pairs
cinema = you go to see a film there
hospital = doctors and nurses look after sick people there
supermarket = you can buy food and other things in that big shop
restaurant = you can eat there
school = children go to learn there
post office = you go to send letters there
church = people go to pray there
police station = police officer work there
library = you go to borrow or read books there
market = people go to buy and sell things there