Inglés, pregunta formulada por josezorondo, hace 10 meses

ayudaaaaaaaaaaaaaa por favor


Usuario anónimo: seld,would have senting ,loving,would hide,have come,will be, wake up, lo demas te lo hago despues tengo mis clases virtuales

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por MichaelSpymore1

I - Complete these following conditional sentences in English:

1. If my mother sold the house

Answer 1: If my mother sold the house, she would have to buy another one.

Translation 1: Si mi madre vendiera la casa, tendría que comprar otra.

2. You would have sent the mails if

Answer 2: You would have sent the mails if you wanted to.

Translation 2: Tu habrías enviado las cartas si hubieras querido.

3. If she loves her husband

Answer 3: If she loves her husband she will have children.

Translation 3: Si ella ama a su marido ella tendrá hijos.

4. They would hide the tools if

Answer 4: She would hide the tools if she didn't want to lend them.

Translation 4: Ella ocultaría las herramientas si ella no quisiera prestarlas.

5. If we had come later

Answer 5: If we had come later, we would not have found you.

Translation 5: Si nosotros hubiéramos venido más tarde, no te habríamos encontrado.  

6. Robert will be at four tomorrow if

Answer 6: Robert will be at four tomorrow if he travels by plane.

Translation 6: Robert estará mañana a las cuatro si viaja en avión.

7. If he woke up earlier

Answer 7: If he woke up earlier, he would be on time for the meetings.

Translation 7: Si él se despertara más temprano, llegaría a tiempo a las reuniones.

II - Translate into English using conditional sentences.

1. Mi hermano jugaría tenis si supiera como jugarlo.

Answer 1: My brother would play tennis if he knew how to play it.

2. Si llueve mucho, habrá una gran inundación.

Answer 2: If it rains a lot, there will be a great flood.

3. Yo habría estudiado química si yo hubiera entendido.

Answer 3: I would have studied chemistry if I had understood it.

4. Si María fuera al cine, ella vería las películas.

Answer 4: If Maria went to the movies, she would see the movies.

5. Ellos viajarán a Arica si ellos tienen mucho dinero.

Answer 5: They will travel to Arica if they have a lot of money.

6. Si yo comprara esa casa, yo viviría mejor.

Answer 6: If I bought that house, I would live better.

7. Lucía habría pagado las deudas si ella hubiera tenido dinero.

Answer 7: Lucia would have paid the debts if she had had money.

Michael Spymore

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