Inglés, pregunta formulada por inicio21amor, hace 8 meses

ayuda pls es para hoy

Make these sentences negative
She lost her purse
He rode slowly
He was making much noise at midnight
They came carly
We were sitting at the table
She ran away
The sun set at 7:45
It was getting dark at 7
He was talking to tim the other day They were listening to the radio from 5 to 6

inicio21amor: quiero las respuestas no la traduccion

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por agusayelen6


She didn´t lose her purse.

He didn´t ride slowly.

He wasn´t making much noise at mindnight.

They didn´t come carly.

We weren´t sitting at the table.

She didn´t run away.

The sun didn´t sit at 7.45.

It wasn´t getting dark at 7.

He wasn´t talking to him the other day.

They weren´t listening to the radio from 5 to 6

Explicación: Para pasar a negativo las oraciones en pasado simple se usa el DIDN´T + el verbo en infinitivo. Es similar al presente simple o continuo. Las oraciones en pasado continuo (las que tienen were o was y el verbo con ing) se las pasa a negativo poniendo el verbo to be (was o were)  con N´T al final. Es decir wasn´t o weren´t.

Espero que te sirva!!

inicio21amor: Gracias
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