Química, pregunta formulada por mariaqromeroo, hace 11 meses

Alguen me podrían ayudar por favor.

Fill in the blanks with Simple Past Tense.

1) My uncle ------------ ( visit ) us this weekend.

2) I ----------- ( listen ) to

music with my friends.

3) We ---------- ( study ) hard for the exam. So, we --------- -- ( answer )all the questions.

4) “----- you -------- ( finish ) your homework?”

“No, I -----------.”

5) I ----------- ( wait ) for the school bus but it ------------- ( not-come ).

6) Karen ----------- ( ask ) for help to finish her homework.

7) ----- you --------- ( invite ) them to your party last week.

8) Yesterday night, somebody ------------ ( knock ) at the door. But I ----------- ( not-open ) it.

9) The students ----------- ( walk ) down the street with their teachers.

10) Something strange -------------- ( happen ) last night.

11) Tom ----------- ( check ) his answers.

12) The postman ------------- ( deliver ) the letters.

13) We ----------- ( live ) in Madrid three years ago.

14) Helen ----------- ( not-study ) for the exam and she ----------- ( fail )

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por keilakayet

Las oraciones completas en pasado simple son:

1) My uncle visited ( visit ) us this weekend.

2) I listened ( listen ) to music with my friends.

3) We studied ( study ) hard for the exam. So, we answered ( answer )all the questions.

4) “Did you finish ( finish ) your homework?”

“No, I finished.

5) I waited ( wait ) for the school bus but it didn't come ( not-come ).

6) Karen asked ( ask ) for help to finish her homework.

7) Did you invite ( invite ) them to your party last week.

8) Yesterday night, somebody knocked ( knock ) at the door. But I didn't open ( not-open ) it.

9) The students walked ( walk ) down the street with their teachers.

10) Something strange happened ( happen ) last night.

11) Tom checked ( check ) his answers.

12) The postman delivered ( deliver ) the letters.

13) We lived ( live ) in Madrid three years ago.

14) Helen didn't study ( not-study ) for the exam and she failed ( fail )

¿Qué es el pasado simple?

El pasado simple es un tiempo verbal que expresa una acción que ocurrió en el pasado. Su estructura es:

  • Afirmativa: Sujeto + verbo en pasado + complemento
  • Negativa: Sujeto + didn't + verbo en presente + complemento
  • Interrogativa: Did + sujeto + verbo en presente + complemento + ?

Profundiza en pasado simple en https://brainly.lat/tarea/38071086

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