Inglés, pregunta formulada por karennayibe27, hace 9 meses

3. Escriba el pasado de los verbos, teniendo en cuenta paréntesis

A. William (visit) _______ his grandparents last weekend.

B. Andrea (arrive) ______ her house very late.

C. Carlos and I (go) _______ to Andres' birthday party yesterday.

D. My parents (be) ______ with their family last week.

E. You (begin)______the task yesterday.

4. Cambie a interrogativas siguientes oraciones y responda en forma negativa.​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por karolsevillafan78951







Espero te sirva

Contestado por estrellasdelfuturo79


A William Visited his grandparents last weekend

B Andrea arrived at her house very late

C Carlos and I Went to Andres's birthday party yesterday

D My parents Were with their family last week

E You Began the task yesterday


A Did William visit his grandparents last weekend? No, he didn't visit his grandparents last weekend

B Did Andrea arrive at her house very late? No, She didn't arrive at her house very late

C Did Carlos and You go to Andres's birthday party yesterday? No, We didn' t go to Andres's party yesterday

D Were your parents with their family last week? No, They weren't with their family last week

E Did you begin the task yesterday? No, I didn't begin it yesterday.

En las oraciones afirmativas colocamos el verbo en Pasado Simple.

En las interrogativas y Negativas de Pasado simple el verbo se coloca en su forma base ( presente)

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