Inglés, pregunta formulada por ZxSantiagoxZ, hace 7 meses

2) Write the verbs in the PAST SIMPLE.

1- She_______for the bus. (wait)
2- They________Mary and Rachel to the party. (invite)
3- I ________in Portugal one year ago. (not \ live)
4- _________you________the filn last night. (like)
5- We_________our friends on Monday. (not \ visit)
6- _________your grandparents_________at the party? (dance)
7- The bus_________at the traffic lights. (stop)
8- My brother__________the plants yesterday. (not \ water)
9- You_________for the test. (not \ study)
10- It_________ a lot last night. (rain)
11-__________she_________her new dress on? (try)
12- The film________late yesterday. (end)
13- Children_________ to school on foot last month. (walk)
14- Dad an i__________the car in the morning. (wash)
15- He_________because he was too tired. (not \ work)

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por roodrigolombeida9

1 waited

2 invited

3 didn't live

4 did you like

5 didn't visit

6 did your grand parents dance

7 stopped

8 didn't water

9 didn't study

10 rained

11 did she try

12 ended

13 walked

14 washed

15 didn't work

espero ayudarte :)

Contestado por krerivas

We write the verbs in the PAST SIMPLE:

  • She waited for the bus. (wait)
  • They invited Mary and Rachel to the party. (invite)
  • I didn’t live in Portugal one year ago. (not \ live)
  • Did you like the film last night? (like)
  • We didn’t visit our friends on Monday. (not \ visit)
  • Did your grandparents dance at the party? (dance)
  • The bus stopped at the traffic lights. (stop)
  • My brother didn't water the plants yesterday. (not \ water)
  • You didn't study for the test. (not \ study)
  • It rained a lot last night. (rain)
  • Did she try her new dress on? (try)
  • The film ended late yesterday. (end)
  • Children walked to school on foot last month. (walk)
  • Dad and I washed the car in the morning. (wash)
  • He didn't work because he was too tired. (not \ work)

Pasado simple o Past Simple.

Es un tiempo verbal empleado para informar sobre acontecimientos que quedaron en el pasado, es decir, sucesos que ya han culminado. Vemos su estructura dependiendo del tipo de oración:

  • Oraciones afirmativas: Sujeto + verbo en pasado simple.
  • Oraciones negativas: Sujeto + did + not + verbo infinitivo.
  • Oraciones interrogativas: Locución interrogativa (ej: what) + Did + sujeto + verbo en infinitivo.

➡️ Conoce más sobre el pasado simple aquí:


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