2. Escriba los ejemplos con will y con going to
Respuestas a la pregunta
I think I'll buy a car. ...
I'm going to buy a car with my savings. ...
That tree is rotten, it's going to fall. ...
I have to go, I'll talk to you later. ...
I'm going to talk to him about this issue. ...
I think I am going to study now. ( ...
She will become a scientist.
She is going to pay with a credit card = Ella va a pagar con una tarjeta de crédito (algo que está ocurriendo).
I am going to drop off my prescription over there = voy a dejar mi prescripción médica allá.
I’m going to learn English = voy a aprender inglés.
Necesito comprar mi medicina. Iré a la farmacia esta noche.(algo va a ocurrir)
I’m sure it will rain tomorrow.
Estoy seguro de que va a llovermañana.
Gerardo Gómez will win the election.
Gerardo Gómez va a ganar las elecciones