Inglés, pregunta formulada por tabotijon, hace 1 día

1) Complete the questions tags
a) Maria is a good student, ________________?

b) You were married, ____________________?

3) Mark the best option

a) I didn´t _______________. She ___________

1.- took a course . 1.- ate all her food .

2.- had lunch. 2.- weren´t at home.

3.- play basketball. 3.- didn´t drank beers

4) Write correct or incorrect about the question tags

a) She was happy, weren´t she? ____________

b) Pedro didn´t play the game, did he? ____________

5) Read and write the correct preposition

to on of about

a) worried ___ b) reliant ___ c) rude ____ d) frightened______

6) Choose the right option

a) Robert is good at / in sports. He enjoys playing basketball and golf.

b) Teenagers sometimes feel ashamed / amazed of speaking in public.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por KM1320

1) Complete the question tags

a. Maria is a good student, isn't she?

b. You were married, weren't you?

3) Mark the best option

a. I didn't play basketball.

Rpta: 3.- plat basketball

b. She ate all her food

Rpta: 1.- ate all her food

4) Write correct or incorrect about the quesriin tag

a. She was happy, weren't she? - Incorrect

b. Pedro didn't play the game, did he? - Correct

5) Read and write the correct preposition

a. Worried about

b. Reliant on

c. Rude to

d. Frieghtened of

6) Choose the correct option

a. Roberto is good at sports

b. Teenagers Sometimes feel ashamed of speaking in public

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