Inglés, pregunta formulada por karibrito98, hace 26 días

WRITING Type about a friend who is special to you. First describe him/her then describe a
particular time when he/she helped you. (Type a 120-140 word paragraph)

me ayudan a redactar :( es de 120 a 140 palabras ​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por MinMali


My friend is so gorgeous, He is tall, is blond, is thin, have 12 year old, have a gum smile, his eyes, are a light blue, and he is from London

I was in the kinder garden when I meet him, We were new in that school, and so so so dramatically we me us, I was in the play ground when he came and push my water accidentaly, he dosenýt speak so well the Spanish, and I dosen´t speak very well the English, but magically we understood, we was in the same classroom, and we have our lunch together, after that, he told to me

" Hey you are so great, Do you want to be my friend? only friends not best friends, but ok well, and I told him " O f curse" when we returned to the class we present our selfs, he was pretty nervous, so I came to his rescue, i stand up a next to him, and we present our self together, like friend of all the life, Actually, I remember that after that he felt so comfortable, jaja good memories, so the Teacher told us, " And what is your friendship? I was going to answer but he wins me, he told " He is my best friend of the live" In that moment I felt so special for first time, and so cunfused at the same time jaja, cause a moments ago, he told me friends, no best friends but well, it dosen´t matter, after that he gave me a huge, and told me " Thx so much for be by my side, I really apresiate that" And I told, him " Oh don´t worry, that the reason why the friens exist, I will never let u alone, and that, It pass the time we enter together to the school and we travel, we went to a lot of places, and one day, I was to enter in the school bus, when 2 strange persons took me of the arms and but me a plastic bag in the head, I was trying to scape, but they was so strong, the bag was hanging myself, that I started to be dizzy, so I remember that I shout pretty laud, and my friend tha was coming, the fist reaction he had, was throught his thing, run whre I was and star to fight, in that moment I star to look fuzzy, and The las thing I saw was the to person runing and my friend was hugging me to not fall, when I woke up I was in the hospital, with my parents at my left side, and my best friend at my right side, crying, and he was taking my hand , and when he saw that I woke up, he huged me carfuly, and told me, " Oh my god, please don´t let me alone" and now we still best friend of the live :)

Hola! trate de poner todas las palabras posibles, y pues esto debería ser tú historia porque es personal, pero te puse la mía, espero  haber ayudado, si te preguntan como se llama di Oscar :) suerte  

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