Inglés, pregunta formulada por vyuliana829, hace 1 mes

Write the sentences in order
Remember: should write the parts of the sentences in order.
Subject + verb + objects + where + when+ how + why
Reading and writing
Write in your notebook and take a picture of the activity. Attach it in
pdf format and send it.
“Arrange vertically”
1. an e-mail / sent / My friend / me /.
2. some flowers / The son / his mother / buys / every mont /.
3. to the station / returns / The bus / at night /.
4. at ten o’clock / The conference / last week / started / on Tuesday /.
5. the tree / The car / hit / with great force /.
6. Slowly / his meal / ate / Sam /.
7. to post her letter / this morning / to town / The teacher / went /.
8. on the train / ate / this morning / John / breakfast /.
9. to / Julie / speaks / My father /.
10.a table / for me / They / once a year / at the restaurant / book /.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por david13vw



Contestado por Usuario anónimo


My friend sent me an e-mail.

The son buys his mother some flowers every month.

The bus returns to the station every night.

The conference started last week on Thursday at ten o'clock.

The car hit the tree with great force.

Sam slowly ate his meal.

The teacher went to town this morning to post her letter.

John ate his breakfast this morning on the train.

My father speaks to Julie.

The book for me a table at the restaurasnt once a year.

Usuario anónimo: disculpa la demora T_T
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