Inglés, pregunta formulada por santijula0309, hace 4 meses

Write FIVE sentences using WILL to do predictions after COVID19
example: I think our life will change after this pandemic
Remember you use think or believe like the last example and will for predictions

Escribe CINCO oraciones usando la VOLUNTAD para hacer predicciones después de COVID19
ejemplo: creo que nuestra vida cambiará después de esta pandemia
Recuerde que usa pensar o creer como el último ejemplo y voluntad para las predicciones.

santijula0309: talves bristar no sea un inutil
santijula0309: si almenos no sabe la respuesta no contestara p
bristar04: también use going to y todas son i think

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por juanjosehurtadonaran

Write FIVE sentences using WILL to do predictions after COVID19

Contestado por bristar04


1 I think that with this pandemic the people will understand that its important the higene.

2 I think that when I will see my friends before this pandemic going to look diferent.    

3 I think that with this the people will understand have time with the family and its funny.  

4 I think that my friends will say me that I look diferent.

5 I think that will going to look a little of people in the stores etc.

Explicación:espero te sirva lindo día cuidate

santijula0309: gracias tu si sirves para algo
bristar04: gracias ? jaja
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