Write each other or a suitable reflexive pronoun (myself, yourself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves)
10. You should be proud of ……………………………….. . You’ve done a good job.
11. Friends can always rely on ………………………….. .
12. She blames …………………………..….. for her husband’s death.
13. Adam only thinks of ………………….…………. . He is so selfish.
14. I sometimes talk to ………………………….. . I know it’s a bit weird.
15. John is proud of ……………………………… because his business has developed in spite of the recession.
16. We are angry with ………………..…………… because we have lied to our parents and now we regret it.
17. Sue looked at …………………….……….. in the mirror and decided to put on some make up.
18. My parents love ……………………….………. and they always show …………………………….. a lot of affection.
19. They blame ………………………..……… for their son’s suicide.
20. Our town should promote …………………….………. as a tourist resort.
21. Katya and Andy aren’t seeing ……………………….…… any more. They broke up last week.
22. She kept repeating to …………………….…………. , ‘You can make it.’
23. Do we know ……………………………..………..?Have we met before?
24. Stop panicking! Pull …………..………………… together, guys!
!!!Me pueden ayudar por favor!!!!
Es para hoy!!!!!
Respuestas a la pregunta
10. You should be proud of yourself. You've done a good job.
11. Friends can always rely on myself/ourselves. (Puedes usar uno de los dos).
12. She blames herself for her husband's death.
13. Adam only thinks of himself. He is so selfish.
14. I sometimes talk to myself. I know it's a bit weird.
15. John is proud of himself because his business has developed in spite of the recession.
16. We are angry with ourselves because we have lied to our parents and now we regret it.
17. Sue looked at herself in the mirror and decided to put on some make up.
18. My parents love ourselves and they always show ourselves a lot of attention.
19. They blame themselves for their son's suicide.
20. Our town should promote itself as a tourist resort.
21. Katya and Andy aren't seeing themselves any more. They broke up last week.
22. She kept repeating to herself, "You can make it".
23. Do we know ourselves? Have we met before?
24. Stop panicking! Pull yourself together, guys!