Write down anything you know about
Escribe cualquier cosa que sepas sobre los tiempos futuros en ingles
Respuestas a la pregunta
1 a sentences
2 a oration
3 n exepctioanl thing
and finally 4 the universe theory
stephen hawking
What is the future tense?
The future tense is a verb tense used to talk about something that will happen or will be true in the future, for example, He’ll be here soon; I’ll give you a call; What will you do?; It will be sunny tomorrow.
1 Ways of talking about the future
In Spanish, just as in English, you can often use the present tense to refer to something that is going to happen in the future.
Cogemos el tren de las once.
We’re getting the eleven o’clock train.
Mañana voy a Madrid.
I am going to Madrid tomorrow.
In English we often use going to with an infinitive to talk about the immediate future or our future plans. In Spanish, you can use the present tense of ir followed by a and an infinitive.
Va a perder el tren. He’s going to miss the train.
Va a llevar una media hora. It’s going to take about half an hour.
Voy a hacerlo mañana. I’m going to do it tomorrow.