Inglés, pregunta formulada por sararamirezariasst, hace 10 meses


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Contestado por nelramon276



Pandora's box

Pandora's Box tells the story of a beautiful woman, created by Hephaestus, at the request of Zeus to punish Prometheus whom he had already chained to a rock. Zeus gives her a box that contained all the evils in the world that were left free before Pandora's curiosity, but along with them, a very important value also escaped to face them: hope.

So that your children know a little more about Greek mythology, we have turned the myth of Pandora's box into a short children's story.

The myth of Pandora explained for children

the myth of Pandora's box for children

A long, long time ago, there were two brothers named Prometheus and Epimetheus on Olympus, they were good gods, with a great heart. However, one fine day, Prometheus got into trouble with the god of gods, Zeus.

Zeus stated that man did not deserve to have fire, but Prometheus, who had a kind heart and knew how much man needed fire to keep warm and eat, gave it to him in secret. When Zeus found out he went into a rage, his command had been ignored. As punishment, Zeus chained Prometheus to a rock for many years.

It was a terrible punishment but, even so, it was not enough condemnation for Zeus, who decided to go after good old Epimetheus and thus make Prometheus suffer. The twisted Zeus, had for him another different punishment. First, he ordered Hephaestus, the god who forged, sculpted, or modeled, to create a daughter for him. Hephaestus modeled a beautiful woman in clay, gave her life and gave her to Zeus, who named her Pandora.

And so, Zeus continued with his plan, then he approached Epimetheus and said:

- Your brother had to be punished for disobeying my orders, but I know how lonely you have been without the company of Prometheus, that is why I have decided to give you in marriage my daughter, the beautiful Pandora.

Epimetheus, had a kind heart, but he was not stupid and suspected of Zeus's intentions, he was sure he was up to something. However, as soon as he saw Pandora, he fell in love with her and they both got married.


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