Write 5 reasons about effects of global warming in the environment. (cause and effect)
Respuestas a la pregunta
1. Increase in greenhouse gases
The excessive industrial activity that has been registered in the world since the Industrial Revolution is the main cause of global warming. The vast majority of processes of this type release an enormous amount of greenhouse gases that, once in the atmosphere, deplete the ozone layer and, at the same time, expose the Earth directly to the sun's rays.
Carbon dioxide or CO2 is the best known gas of all for being the main responsible for preventing the escape of heat in the lower layers of the atmosphere; as confirmed by National Geographic, its production has increased about 6 billion metric tons per year since 1990, that is, something like 20%. There are also nitrous oxide and many others derived from the production of electricity. But this is only the first cause!
2. Burning of fossil fuels
A good part of greenhouse gases are generated after the burning of fossil fuels, that is, all those that are derived from products such as coal, oil and natural gas. We observe this, for example, in large urban centers with the massive burning of fuel by cars and other heavy means of transport.
The negative effect of fossil fuels is twofold if we take into account air pollution and the health problems that can be derived from this circumstance. For example, the World Health Organization estimates that there are currently about 300 million people in the world suffering from asthma, a figure that will increase proportionally to the presence of harmful substances in the environment. Let's keep going!
3. Deforestation of jungles and forests
It is often thought that the deforestation of jungles and forests only generates effects in the closest environments. However, the damage that is generated is global. Trees have the ability to convert CO2 into oxygen through the process of photosynthesis, thereby helping to reduce air pollution. But if we reduce their number, the concentration of CO2 and other gases will be higher and, therefore, Earth's temperatures will increase.
Forests and jungles still cover about 30% of the Earth's surface, but every year an extension similar to that of countries like Panama is lost. Shall we tell you more?
4. Excessive use of fertilizers
Pesticides, fertilizers and other chemicals used in sectors such as agriculture and livestock are another direct cause of global warming. All are high in nitrogen oxide, which is even more harmful than carbon dioxide. Hence the need to bet on more natural ways of growing and producing food. Let's see the last one!
5. High waste production
The high production of waste also favors global warming. How? The more waste we produce each day, the higher the levels of methane gas in the environment, an element that is generated during the decomposition of materials in landfills. In addition, consuming massively implies a greater demand, with which industries will increase their production levels and, therefore, the levels of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere will be higher.
Una buena parte de los gases de efecto invernadero se generan tras la quema de combustibles fósiles, es decir, todos aquellos que se derivan de productos como el carbón, el petróleo y el gas natural. Esto lo observamos, por ejemplo, en los grandes centros urbanos con la quema masiva de combustibles por los coches y otros medios de transporte pesado.
Se suele pensar que la deforestación de selvas y bosques solo genera efectos en los entornos más cercanos. Sin embargo, el daño que se genera es global. Los árboles tienen la facultad de convertir el CO2 en oxígeno a través del proceso de la fotosíntesis, con lo cual contribuyen a reducir la contaminación del aire. Pero si reducimos su número, la concentración de CO2 y de otros gases será mayor y, por tanto, aumentarán las temperaturas terrestres.
Los pesticidas, fertilizantes y demás químicos empleados en sectores como la agricultura y la ganadería son otra causa directa del calentamiento global. Todos poseen un alto contenido de óxido de nitrógeno, que es incluso más perjudicial que el dióxido de carbono. De ahí la necesidad de apostar por formas de cultivo y producción de alimentos más naturales. ¡Veamos el último!
La alta producción de residuos también favorece el calentamiento global. ¿De qué manera? Cuantos más residuos produzcamos a diario, mayores serán los niveles de gas metano en el ambiente, un elemento que se genera durante la descomposición de materiales en los vertederos.
1. Aumento de los gases de efecto invernadero
La excesiva actividad industrial que se ha registrado en el mundo a partir de la Revolución Industrial es la principal causa del calentamiento global. La gran mayoría de los procesos de este tipo liberan una enorme cantidad de gases de efecto invernadero que, una vez en la atmósfera, deterioran la capa de ozono y, a la vez, exponen a la Tierra de manera directa a los rayos del sol.