Write 10 healthy habits in English and Spanish
Respuestas a la pregunta
I don't speak English but I could use a translator I hope it can help
Eat healthy and balanced : comer sano y equilibrado
Drink lots of water : Beber mucha agua.
Exersice yourself : ejercítate
Use the TV or the PC less : usar el televisor o la pc menos.
Spend time with other people/ socialize: pasa tiempo con otras personas/ socializa
Control your weight: controla tu peso
Sleep enough hours: duerme suficientes horas
Decrease your amount of stress: disminuye tu cantidad de estrés
Expose yourself to the sun everyday: exponte al sol todos los días.
Don't smoke or consume drugs: no fumes o consumas drogas
Decrease your amount of salt and/or sugar: disminuye tus cantidades y/o de azúcar.
Always have breakfast: siempre tomar el desayuno