Work in pairs. Person A will look at the letters
sent by Max and Person B will look at those
written by Martin
Annotate in detail the texts you have been
allocated. Consider the following:
1 Summarize the content of your letters. What do
you learn about the state of things in Germany?
2 Identify attitudes and ideas that are
expressed about the Jewish community in the
letters. Highlight and annotate key quotations.
3 Evaluate the tone of the letters. Do you notice
anything about the dates?
4 Identify and analyse key quotations linked to
the theme of friendship.
5 Can you find any links to what you have
learned about propaganda in this chapter? Has
your character been indoctrinated?
6 What can you interpret about information,
censorship and surveillance from the men's
In pairs, share your annotations and analysis
and discuss what this reveals about the men's
friendship. Together, write two paragraphs
comparing the characters of Max and Martin.
Respuestas a la pregunta
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simplemente traducelo y al final cambia el idioma de word a ingles para que te corrija la gramatica
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