White the correcto use for each sentence invention spontaneous decision prection plan proise request. Alguien me ayuda por favor... :(
1. My horóscopo says that/ Will meet and old friend this week _____________
2. I believe that thomson Will win election__________
3. I think tomorrow Will be sunny and hot________
4. Did you hevir the thunder? It's going to be a storm__________
5. Look at the TV forecast. Tomorrow it's going to esnow her__________
6.they are going to meet autside cinemato onfriday at 6p.m___________
7.she's going to get married on friday at the local church
Respuestas a la pregunta
If i walk to the park.
because he is great person with the people.
because i see new news in the work.
are you sure? This is terrible for my.
I think that tomorrow is day of rest , because I need that.
but, probably you are late because of work.
Then I'll be there.
Blanco el uso correcto para cada oración invención espontánea plan de prevención de decisión proise. Alguien me ayuda por favor ... :(
1. Mi horóscopo dice que / nos encontraremos y un viejo amigo esta semana _____________
2. Creo que thomson ganará las elecciones__________
3. Creo que mañana será soleado y caluroso________
4. ¿Has hevir el trueno? Va a ser una tormenta__________
5. Mira el pronóstico de TV. Mañana va a esnow ella__________
6. se van a encontrar con autside cinemato el viernes a las 6 p.m ___________
7. Ella va a casarse el viernes en la iglesia local