Inglés, pregunta formulada por AlexisfranciscoJV, hace 10 meses

• Which theory do you think is true about the origin of water on our
planet? ​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por InsaneBruh


Modern geochemical evidence suggests that water was delivered to Earth by impacts from icy planetesimals similar in composition to modern asteroids in the outer edges of the asteroid belt.

Contestado por Gelybz

The theory that I think to be true is the volcanic theory.

That water was formed in the center of the Earth, by reactions at high temperatures (527 ºC) between hydrogen and oxygen atoms.

The molecules formed by this reaction were expelled to the earth's surface in the form of vapor (due to the temperature at which they were found); some of this water vapor became part of the early atmosphere (this early atmosphere lacked molecular oxygen), and some of it cooled and condensed to form the solid and liquid water on the earth's surface. This process took millions of years, but current experimental evidence suggests that water was present on Earth about 3.8 billion years ago.

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