Which sentence is correct
John gave her a valid hint and maybe that's why she couldn't understand it.
John gave her an obvious hint and maybe that's why she couldn't
understand it.
John gave her an obscure hint and maybe that's why she couldn't
understand it.
John gave her a wise hint and maybe that's why she couldn't understand it.
Respuestas a la pregunta
john gave her a wisr hint and maybe that's why she couldn't understand it
Which sentence is correct
- John gave her a valid hint and maybe that's why she couldn't understand it.
- John gave her an obvious hint and maybe that's why she couldn't
- understand it.
- John gave her an obscure hint and maybe that's why she couldn't
- understand it.
- John gave her a wise hint and maybe that's why she couldn't understand it.
El idioma de inglés es una lengua que surgió en el territorio del Reino Anglosajón de Inglaterra, cuyo origen es germánico occidental y perteneciente a la familia de lenguas indoeuropeas.
Este idioma, a pesar del territorio donde surgió, se extendió hacia el Norte, en el sudeste de Escocia.
Actualmente, el idioma inglés, se ha convertido en el más importante e influyente en el mundo, considerándose, así como el idioma universal, siendo este el idioma empleado para que las personas de todo el mundo puedan comunicarse y entenderse aunque su idioma natal sea diferente, por tanto, se exige en todo el mundo que las personas aprendan el idioma Inglés.
Para aprender más sobre Inglés consulte el siguiente enlace: brainly.lat/tarea/2834403