Which school will Armando go to next year?
Elementary school.
High school.
What will be his backup plan?
Apply to a university in his state.
Apply to two universities.
Research universities to know which is difficult.
When will he work?
When he finishes his university studies.
While he studies at the university.
When the classes get hard
Will he get more ideas when he goes to the university?
Yes, he will
No, he won´t
Will he study a career related to his high
school technical career?
Yes, he will
No, he won´t
Respuestas a la pregunta
¿A qué escuela irá Armando el próximo año?.
¿Cuál será su plan de respaldo?
R/Aplicar a dos universidades..
¿Cuándo trabajará?
R/Cuando termine sus estudios universitarios
¿Tendrá más ideas cuando vaya a la universidad?
R/Si él lo hara
¿Estudiará una carrera relacionada con su alta
carrera técnica escolar?
R/Si él lo hará
(Inglés )
What school will Armando go to next year?
R / University.
What will your backup plan be?
R / Apply to two universities.
When will you work?
R / When you finish your university studies
Will you have more ideas when you go to college?
R / If he will
Will you study a career related to your discharge
school technical career?
R / Yes he will
Choose the correct answers:
1. Which school will Armando go to next year?
- Answer: University.
2. What will be his backup plan?
- Answer: Apply to two universities.
3. When will he work?
- Answer: When he finishes his university studies.
4. Will he get more ideas when he goes to the university?
- Answer: No, he won't.
5. Will he study a career related to his high school technical career?
- Answer: Yes, he will.
Futuro Simple.
Se trata del tiempo verbal en el que se comunica las acciones de futuro, las cuales no tienen planificación previa. El verbo auxiliar de dicho tiempo verbal es "will" que equivaldría al sufijo en español: "-ará, -aré". Y la estructura es igual a la del presente simple, sin utilizar los verbos en plural.
Fórmulas para las oraciones:
- Positivo: Pronombre personal + "will" + verbo en presente + complemento.
- Negativo: Pronombre personal + "will not" o "won't" + verbo en presente + complemento.
- Pregunta: "Will" + Pronombre personal + verbo en presente + complemento + ?
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