Inglés, pregunta formulada por julietalvm, hace 1 mes

Which of the titles below is
the best for the text? Select one
option,underline the answer.
a. Owen Carey died in his 18th
birthday after eating chicken.
b. Eating.
c. The boy whose allergy
changed the law.
2. Answer the following
questions with complete sentences
using your own words.
a. Who was Owen
Carey and what
happened to
b. What did the
family ask the
state to do?
3. Write True(T) or False(F) for
following statements.
a. Owen didnt think about his
allergy when he ordered chicken.
b. The restaurant didn’t inform
the family that there was whey in the
c. Owen didn’t eat the whole
d. The family said that Owen’s
death was inevitable.
e. The family asked for better
food labeling.

ayudemen xfvr es para mñn
les doy coronita

el quien haces bromas lo reporto ​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por moreiramacias683


Which of the titles below is

the best for the text? Select one

option,underline the answer.


3. The boy whose allergy changed the law  

✓ Write True (T) or False (F) for following statements.

A) (F)

B) (T)

C) (F)

D) (F)

E) (T)



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