Inglés, pregunta formulada por blaaaaaaa, hace 1 año

What is Etymology???????

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por RFLF

Etymology is the branch of linguistics responsible for studying and deciphering words. Etymology has the difficult task of finding meaning, raison d'etre, way of expressing oneself and adapting to different cultures. When a new word is introduced in the dictionary of the RAE (Royal Spanish Academy) first makes an etymological journey in which the background of the word is studied, the combination of the letters, the reason why it is associated with that characteristic or object that tries to define, but even more, an analysis is made in which the impact of the relationship of the word with the socio-cultural environment that surrounds it is determined.

Words or graphemes are a descriptive tool that allows free communication between people. The etymology is oriented as a purpose, the distribution of words around the world, giving clear concepts of them and explaining how to apply them. In certain cases, the words can have different meanings, depending on the culture that receives it, a clear example of this is the word "Piso" in Venezuela refers to the floor covered with a layer of cement or tile, but in other countries as Argentina, "Piso" defines a room or small studio apartment in a building in the center of the city.

Contestado por colegioedhe

What is Etymology?

The word etymology is derived from the Greek etumos which means real or true. The ending ology suggests the study/science of something, as in biology or geology. And that is the etymology of etymology. It is the study of the origins of words; how they evolved. Confused?

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