WHAT IS ACROSPORT? pregunta de educacion fisica.
Respuestas a la pregunta
Acrosport or Acrobatic Gymnastic is an acrobatic sport practiced with a partner or with group. The exercises must include a combination of choreography, collective acrobatic elements (buildings) and individual acrobatic elements (floor acrobatic series).
Three main elements in acroport:
-Buildings: Strength, flexibility and balance are needed to make buildings.
Figures: Each partner has a part of their body leaned on the floor.
Pyramids: This structure always include at least two levels.
-Acrobatics: They are used as a transition from one building to another. They include gymnastics elements such as turns, somersaults, handstands, cartwheel, jump...
-Music: It is a basic element for the performance. It enhances the choreography.
Respuesta:La gimnasia acrobática también conocida como acrosport se trata de una modalidad deportiva incluida en la Federación Internacional de Deportes Acrobáticos y forma parte de la Federación Internacional de Gimnasia desde 1999. Es una disciplina deportiva de la gimnasia en la que existen distintas modalidades.