Historia, pregunta formulada por sisoylamariii11, hace 3 meses

what impact did hitler have on the people in germany during the war??

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por valentinacordobaboni

SPAIN // Hitler tuvo un impacto fuerte debido a las opresiones y maltratos que hizo. Por una parte los judios y otras personas indeceables fueron encareladas y liberales socialistas fueron acesinados en carcelados o exiliado, Las iglesias cristianas y los ciudadanos que se oponían al gobierno de Hitler fueron oprimidos y muchos líderes encarcelados. Por eso hitler tovo un impato fuerte en alemania

INGLISH // Hitler had a strong impact due to the oppressions and mistreatment he did. On the one hand the Jews and other unspeakable people were imprisoned and liberal socialists were murdered, imprisoned or exiled, Christian churches and citizens who opposed Hitler's government were oppressed and many leaders imprisoned. That is why Hitler had a strong impact on Germany.

sisoylamariii11: gracias guapx
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