what do activities of people cause harm to our planet
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1. Conventional means of transportation
One of the causes of global warming is linked to the emission of greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the main ones.
In fact, 25% of CO2 emissions and 40% of nitrous oxide (NO2) emissions come from transport in Europe (Planeta Recicla, 2017; EEA, 2020).
2. Livestock, one of the most polluting human activities
Yes, it may surprise you, but livestock farming is responsible for the emission of 14.5% of greenhouse gases. In addition to CO2 and NO2, livestock release 25% of methane (CH4) into the atmosphere (Planeta Recicla, 2017; Greenpeace, 2019)
3. Tourism
That's right, where there is more tourism, there is more pollution. Why? Because electricity consumption, air transport, land transport and food are increased; the latter also involves the use of disposable plastic containers (Campos, 2018).
Tourism leaves a significant carbon footprint and contributes to environmental degradation; it converts natural and virgin areas into occupied ones and generates increasing rates of contamination.
4. The current food model involves human activities that impact the environment
Indeed, everything related to food consumes 30% of the energy available worldwide. Of this percentage, the largest part (70%) corresponds to the transportation, processing, packaging, storage and sale of food (Planeta Recicla, 2017).
In addition, an unsustainable agricultural activity can cause significant effects on the environment such as (FAO, s.f.):
contaminate groundwater.
Emit greenhouse gases.
Use methods that produce loss of biodiversity.
Degrading and salinizing the land.
R= pollution from cars and companies, deforestation, too much garbage on the streets