what are the possible hazards or dangers that can be caused by an earthquake?
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These primary hazards often produce secondary hazards such as ruptured utility lines, hazardous spills, and fires. Buildings can crumble or collapse, trapping people inside and burying streets in the rubble.
Normalmente, los terremotos ocurren a lo largo de las placas tectónicas, en los límites entre placas. Muchas veces, los terremotos desencadenan deslizamientos de tierras, olas sísmicas marinas y tsunamis. Con frecuencia se producen fuertes réplicas que causan daños adicionales e intensifican el estrés psicológico.
Typically, earthquakes occur along plate tectonics, at the plate boundaries. Earthquakes often trigger landslides, seismic waves, and tsunamis. Strong aftershocks frequently occur causing additional damage and intensifying psychological stress.
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