Inglés, pregunta formulada por Usuario anónimo, hace 2 meses

What are some of the things you like about Christmas?

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por Siyuwomi


What are some of the things you like about Christmas?


Some things I like about Christmas, is the fact that I can share with all my family, opening presents, going out for a walk, the food and the sweets.


¿Qué cosas le gustan de la Navidad?  

Algunas cosas que me gustan de la Navidad, es el hecho de poder compartir con toda mi familia, abrir los regalos, salir a pasear, la comida y los dulces.

Contestado por lenincuyo2003

Respuesta:Opening presents. ...

The fun of seeing what everyone else got! ...

Eating Christmas dinner. ...

The brilliant TV films! ...

Munching on chocolate all afternoon. ...

Flaking out for the afternoon with nothing to do! ...

Playing charades/cards/Monopoly with your family.


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