What are countable and uncountable nouns?
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en español es: odos los sustantivos son o contables (countable o count nouns) o incontables (countable o mass nouns). La diferencia entre sustantivos contables e incontables es muy simple: los contables tienen forma plural y se pueden contar, mientras que los incontables, no. La gran mayoría de sustantivos pertenece a la primera categoría, e incluso dentro de la segunda podemos hacer excepciones y contar un sustantivo incontable,
en ingles es:All nouns are either countable (countable or countable nouns) or uncountable (countable or massive nouns). The difference between countable and uncountable nouns is very simple: countable nouns have a plural form and can be counted, while uncountable nouns cannot. The vast majority of nouns belong to the first category, and even within the second we can make exceptions and count an uncountable noun, as for example in this very common phrase: "can I have two beers, please?".
What are countable and uncountable nouns?
A countable noun is a common noun that refers to a discrete concept separable into discrete units and therefore can be counted.
Uncountable nouns are those that cannot be counted individually either because of their nature or because of their immeasurable quantity. An example is flour, you cannot talk about it if it is not based on measurements, called units.
¿Qué son los sustantivos contables e incontables?
Un sustantivo contable es un nombre común que se refiere a un concepto discreto separable en unidades discretas y que por tanto se puede contar.
Los sustantivos incontables son aquellos que no se pueden contar individualmente ya sea debido a su naturaleza o a lo inconmensurable de su cantidad. Ejemplo es el harina, no se puede hablar de ella si no es basándose en medidas, llamadas unidades.