What animales live un ucayari
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en ingles Other important herbivores are the sachavaca, a relative of the tapir, and the sajino, a species of pig. All these animals are prey for the jaguar or otorongo, a large feline with characteristic mottled skin. The otorongo also feeds on fish and lizards. It is rarely seen, as it tends to hunt at night.
en español Otros herbívoros importantes son la sachavaca, pariente del tapir, y el sajino, especie de cerdo. Todos estos animales son presas del jaguar u otorongo, un felino de gran tamaño y característica piel moteada. El otorongo también se alimenta de peces y lagartos. Es raramente visto, pues suele cazar de noche.
mammals, birds, reptiles, fish and invertebrates. However, in most of its range, mammals greater than one kilogram, and some reptiles and birds, constitute the most common prey (alligators, monkeys, crocodiles, water and land turtles and fish)
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